Ravens & Crows Tarot
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Applies to duplicate decks See delivery options » |
- Size: 2.75'' x 4.75'' (70mm x 120mm)
- Number of cards: 80
Card stock:(S33) Superior Smooth
Packaging: Plain window tuck box
- Note: Any red dotted lines shown around the border will not be printed which is used by the designer for print bleeding reference only
- No minimum purchase. Buy 1 for .(Note: applies to all card stock options except M30 (linen air light) and M32 (linen air) which carries a minimum of 1000 decks)
Crow and Raven In animal symbolism, crows and ravens are often interchangeable one is associated with a characteristic, the other often adopts the same characteristic. However, in some aspects, they differ. For example, crows represent those who like to be around other people, while ravens prefer solitude. Both share the characteristic of vision and prediction, meaning prescience and precognition. They are also intuitive and clever, going hand in hand with foresight.
Design ref: 161901292770
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